Hey there. It's been almost a year since I last posted. What a different stage of life I am in now compared to May 2012. Thursday was my last. day. of. college. EVER! I finished my last rotation, presentation, evaluation, and end-of-block exam. Friday was supposed to be my last day {in clinic}, but unfortunately some sort of flu/virus decided to invade my immune system on Thursday. So I stayed home to keep my snot & germs to myself- aren't you thankful? I have my month off in April {hurray!}, moving & graduation in May, and start my job in June! That's right, I am officially gainfully employed full-time, although as a resident my salary is about 1/3-1/4 of a typical pharmacist salary. I know the experience & "street-cred" will more than make up for the difference.
I'm so excited for this break. For my entire college career I worked during the school year and spent all breaks working as much as possible, trying to keep my student loans to a minimum. This was effective, but the prospect of 3 months off is unbelievable. I still have a lot to do- finish up my PharmD project, study for my boards & law exam, get certified as an immunizer {roll up your sleeve!}, and MOVE! This is the cute lil place we will be calling home indefinitely:
Isn't it cute? We are so excited to have spare bedrooms for friends to sleep somewhere besides the floor & plenty of living space to be more intentional with hospitality.
We've been in our current place for two years, which means there is major dejunking & cleaning that needs to happen before we houseswap. One of my goals for this weekend was to inventory our pantry & deep freeze and make a plan to use up as much as possible before we move. I basically have enough meals to keep us fed right up until moving day, with the exception of produce, etc. Some of it is a little weird to be eating as the weather warms up, but who cares? Here's our complete list:
-Orzo with roasted veggies & feta
-Kim's fettuccine alfredo
-Ham & beans
-Chicken taco soup
-Spanish rice
-Cheesy hashbrowns
-Chicken & noodles
-Spicy pulled pork
-Pot roast (with & without gravy)
-Kielbasa mashed potatoes
-Poppyseed chicken casserole
-Chicken scampi with pasta
-Red pepper shrimp & pasta
-Easy chicken enchilada
-Panko & cheese breaded chicken
-Panko & cheese breaded tilapia
-Beef barbeque
-Skillet lasagna {if you haven't tried this, you must! it makes lasagna a million times quicker!}
-Pulled pork sandwiches
-I also have a list of sides, salad toppings, and things to bake to use up the last of my mixes.
Here's to a moving forward & starting fresh!
Cheeseburger Salad Bowls
2 days ago